Our projects

Our projects


The “Babysitter in The Hospital” project offers all the parents with long-term hospitalized children the opportunity to be replaced for a certain number of hours per day, to allow them to return to the family to care for the other children.

The project “Silk thread” is a personalized project that involves hospitals in the 3 countries where the Aletheia association is present: Switzerland, Italy and Romania, as well as study and research centers.

“Drawings on the Asphalt” is an international project to raise awareness of the large and small public about the difficulties that families with a seriously ill member face daily. This project intends to create a common thread between hospitals, families and communities and to provide oncological and cardiological children the opportunity to draw in nature with other peers.

“A Day in Nature” is a monthly project that involves 10 children and 10 parents together with the medical staff, in a beautiful adventure in nature. We want to offer families the opportunity to spend a day outside the hospital such as a farm visit, a day at the beach or in the mountains.

Aletheia Association