

Aletheia Association

Dedicated to heart and oncological children

We are small... help us GROWING!

About us

A group of parents, healthcare professionals with a single purpose: the alleviation of our little ones suffering! Suffering often brings us together, which is why we decided to work together.

About us

A group of parents, healthcare professionals with a single purpose: the alleviation of our little ones suffering! Suffering often brings us together, which is why we decided to work together.


Children are our future and must be able to live! But unfortunately the economic resources destined for children, even in public hospitals, are often insufficient with respect to real needs.


Children are our future and must be able to live! But unfortunately the economic resources destined for children, even in public hospitals, are often insufficient with respect to real needs.


"Mummy, my little heart sings!" and "Mummy, I want to grow up, I want to live!" are pioneering pilot projects under negotiation and approval.


"Mummy, my little heart sings!" and "Mummy, I want to grow up, I want to live!" are pioneering pilot projects under negotiation and approval.

Suffering often brings us together, which is why we decided to work together: Us and You.

Let us be united in transforming the childhood hospitalization often too long, too painful and far too problematic into a less cumbersome temporary period of life, a lot less tiring and much more child friendly.

We might not change the world, but together we will change the hostile atmosphere that puts us to the test every time our children are forced to spend a longer time in the hospital.

Aletheia Association

Help us grow up... DONATE!

Even a small donation is very important to us! You can contribute to our projects using PayPal: just press the button below to access our dedicated page.


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❤️‍🩹Con un piccolo gesto puoi rubare un sorriso a una mamma o ad un bambino che vuole tornare a casa guarito.

Aiutaci ad aiutare firmando il 5xmille per l’associazione Aletheia APS

Grazie infinite per la vostra generosità.

#donare #amare #speranza #bambini #cardiopatiacongenita #oncologia #730d #isee2024 #italia #tutti @fallower
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❤️‍🩹Con un piccolo gesto puoi rubare un sorriso a una mamma o ad un bambino che vuole tornare a casa guarito. 

   Aiutaci ad aiutare firmando il 5xmille per l’associazione Aletheia APS

     Grazie infinite per la vostra generosità. 

#donare #amare #speranza #bambini #cardiopatiacongenita #oncologia #730d #isee2024 #italia  #tutti @fallower